Maria Grazia Chiuri brings a fresh update to the iconic Saddle replica bag. Constructed in calfskin, it offers a new take on the House’s signature pattern with the season’s staple Toile de Jouy Soleil motif in white and navy blue, layering suns and crescent moons into a floral composition representing the four seasons. The legendary design showcases a Saddle flap with a D stirrup strap and magnetic pull, as well as an antique gold-finish metal CD signature on either side of the handle. Featuring a thin adjustable and removable strap, the Saddle replica bag can be carried by hand, worn over the shoulder or crossbody. D stirrup strap and magnetic pull
CD signature on the handle
Thin, adjustable and removable shoulder strap
Interior zip pocket
Back pocket
Dust bag included
Made in Vietnam Dimensions: 25.5 x 20 x 6.5 cm / 10 x 8 x 2.5 inches (Length x Height x Width)
The size is suitable for a phone, a card holder, sunglasses and lipstick
Strap length: 88.5 – 103 cm / 35 – 40.5 inches
Drop length: 42 – 50 cm / 16.5 – 19.5 inches
Handle length: 54 cm / 21.5 inches
Weight: 625 g / 22 ounces
Replica Bag Saddle Bag with Strap Burgundy grained calfskin
$4,400.00 Original price was: $4,400.00.$400.00Current price is: $400.00.
Replica Bag Saddle Bag with Strap Antique Pink Smooth Calfskin
$4,400.00 Original price was: $4,400.00.$400.00Current price is: $400.00.
Replica Bag Saddle Bag with Strap White and Navy Blue Toile de Jouy Soleil Printed Calfskin
$4,600.00 Original price was: $4,600.00.$419.00Current price is: $419.00.
100 in stock
Tags: best replica bags, replica bags, replica designer bags