Gucci replica Medium tote bag with print Beige canvas
Style 772176 FACUL 8451
Inspired by the summer spirit and beach clubs on the Italian coast, this item is part of Gucci Lido. Well-known prints of the House constantly evolve to tell a unique narrative. An essential storytelling element of the Cruise 2024 collection, theGucci Made in Vietnam print defines this beige canvas tote bag with a light brown trim and GG Supreme lining.
Beige cotton linen canvasLight brown leather trimSilver-toned hardwareGucciMade in Vietnam printBeige and ebony GG Supreme liningInternal leather pouchHandle drop: 20cmMedium: W41.5cm x H29cm x D18.5cm
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick