Gucci replica Luce small shoulder bag light blue GG canvas
Style 788061 FADGE 8546
Inspired by the summer spirit and beach clubs on the Italian coast, this item is part of Gucci Lido. Gucci Luce, which translates to light in Italian, radiates playful charm and boundless joy. The new GG canvas lends itself to this small shoulder bag design. The GG motif is accentuated by tonal light blue leather trim and light gold-toned hardware. A matching leather shoulder strap is detachable through a loop and hardware ring on the sides, giving the bag additional function and structure.
Light blue GG canvasLight blue leather trimLight gold-toned hardwareCotton linen liningInside: 1 zip pocket with Gucci Crest zip pullerDetachable shoulder strap with 25cm dropTurn lock closureWeight: 550grams approximatelySmall: W27.5cm x H12.5cm x D6.5cm
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, small wallet, and lipstick