Gucci replica GG medium tote bag yellow GG canvas Original price was: $2,188.00.Current price is: $219.00.
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Gucci replica Luce small shoulder bag beige and ebony canvas Original price was: $2,938.00.Current price is: $294.00.

Gucci replica GG medium tote bag orange GG canvas

Original price was: $2,188.00.Current price is: $219.00.

100 in stock

SKU: Gucci-788203-FADH5-7543 Tags: , ,
Brand: Gucci


Gucci replica GG medium tote bag orange GG canvas
Style 788203 FADH5 7543

Inspired by the summer spirit and beach clubs on the Italian coast, this item is part of Gucci Lido. The new GG canvas lends itself to this orange medium bag design. A tonal trim in GG Supreme canvas accentuates the structure of this easy-to-wear tote. Designed with space in mind, a detachable pouch is included inside.

Orange GG canvasOrange GG Supreme canvas trimThe tote bags internal Web trim undergoes meticulous crafting, emphasizing quality and attention to detail. Skilled artisans position the materials carefully at every step to ensure that the trim is uniformly attached and the seams are entirely hidden for an exceptional result.Inside: detachable pouchDouble handle drop: 23cmWeight: 0.55kgs, approximatelyMedium size: W30cm x H28cm x D26cm
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 20 cm




Main Material

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