Gucci replica Diana mini tote bag off-white canvas
Style 702732 UKMNT 9294
Marking the House’s first in-person fashion show since February 2020, Gucci Love Parade unfolded along Los Angeles walk of fame. Inspired by the timeless nature of old-Hollywood glamour, the collection presents contemporary takes on traditional pieces. This Gucci Diana mini tote bag is presented in off-white and ivory jumbo GG canvas – a new take on the classic beige and ebony material with a maxi-sized motif.
Off-white and ivory jumbo GG canvasIvory leather trimShiny antique gold-toned hardwareThis item comes with 2 decorative leather belt handle shapers as shown in the imageCotton linen liningDouble GInterior open pocketBamboo handles with 3.1″ dropWeb strap drop: 46 – 73 cm and leather strap drop: 48 – 55 cmWeb strap length: 90 – 142 cm and leather strap length: 93 – 109 cm Mini size: W20cm x H16cm x D10cmWeight: .48kg approximately
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, small wallet, and lipstick