Gucci replica Diana medium tote bag dark green leather
Style 750394 UAAAY 3145
Speaking to the narrative of evolution and reinvention that runs through Gucci’s designs, the Gucci Diana reimagines a bamboo tote from the90s archives. Crafted in soft green leather, this spacious silhouette reveals two leather handles that can be folded into the interior, allowing versatility in styling it as a shoulder bag or top handle.
Dark green leatherGold-toned hardwareThis item comes with 2 decorative leather belt handle shapers as shown in the imageMicrofibre suede-effect liningDouble GInside: 2 main compartments and 1 zip pocketDouble bamboo handles with 9cm dropDouble leather handles with 27cm dropMedium size: W31cm x H27cm x D15cmThe model is 179 cm tall
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick