Gucci replica Diana medium tote bag black leather
Style 678842 U3ZDT 1260
First used in the post-war era when traditional materials were hard to come by, bamboo has become not only a symbol of the spirit of reinvention that runs throughout the Houses designs but one of Guccis most recognisable signatures. The Gucci Diana embodies this idea, representing the notion of style in constant evolution with its removable leather beltsa nod to the functional bands used to keep the handles in shape. Here, the bag is presented in black leather.
Black leatherShiny antique gold-toned hardwareThis item comes with 2 decorative belt handle shapers as shown in the imageMicrofibre lining with a suede-like finishDouble GInterior open pocket and two zip compartmentsHandle drop: 10cm Canvas shoulder strap with 63cm drop and leather with 58cm dropWeight: 1.256kg approximatelyMedium size: W35cm x H30cm x D14cmThe model is 186cm tall
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick