Gucci Replica Bags Neo Vintage GG medium messenger beige/ebony GG Supreme Style 598604 9C2VT 8745
The medium messenger bag is part of a collection of vintage inspired leather accessories in GG Supreme featuring an oval leather tag with metal feline head, a now-established code of the House. The slim design has a magnetic flap closure and is completed with an adjustable nylon strap featuring the House Web colors.
Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas, with brown leather trim
Green and red Web
Antique gold-toned hardware
Oval Gucci leather tag with feline head
Adjustable nylon Web shoulder strap with 18.9″ strap
Magnetic flap closure
Medium size: 10.3″W x 10.3″H x 2″D
Made in Vietnam
The male model is 62″ tall and the female model is 57″
Cotton linen lining