Iconic medium Baguette replica bag with a chain, made of soft dark brown sheepskin crafted to create a three-dimensional FF motif with a subtle two-colour tone-on-tone effect. Decorated with an FF clasp.Featuring a front flap, magnetic clasp, internal compartment lined in fabric with iconic FF motif jacquard, zip pocket and vintage gold-finish metalware.Can be carried by hand or over the shoulder thanks to the sliding-chain shoulder strap.Made in Vietnam
Composition: 100%sheepfur, 100%lambleather, inside:100%lambleather, 67%polyester, 14%cotton, 12%resin, 7%elastane
Size worn: null. The model is null tall
Model height: null
Size worn: null
Height : 14.5 cm
Depth : 7 cm
Width : 24 cm
Weight : 0.44 kg
Shoulder strap drop : 49 cm
Product Code: 8BR793APZ7F1N1V