Gucci Replica Bags Small GG crossbody bag with tag white leather Style 795465 FADJK 9046
A selection of bags, including mini cross-body bags, briefcases and totes have been reshaped with functional details. Crafted from white leather and GG Supreme canvas, this crossbody bag features an inside pocket and an adjustable shoulder strap. A Gucci Made in Vietnam leather tag completes the design as an elegant logo touch.
White leather
White GG Supreme canvas trim
Cotton linen lining
Gucci Made in Vietnam leather tag
Inside: 1 zip pocket
Detachable handle drop: 6.3″
Detachable adjustable canvas shoulder strap with 21.6″ drop; Length: 41.3″-57.9″
Zip closure
Small: 9.4″W x 6.5″H x 1.8″D
Weight: 1.5lbs approximately
Made in Vietnam