Gucci Replica Bags GG Supreme mini shoulder bag black and grey GG Supreme Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $150.00.
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Gucci Replica Bags GG rubber-effect belt bag green leather Original price was: $1,550.00.Current price is: $155.00.

Gucci Replica Bags GG rubber-effect belt bag bright orange leather

Original price was: $1,550.00.Current price is: $155.00.

100 in stock

SKU: Gucci-771422-AADKE-7544 Tags: , ,
Brand: Gucci


Gucci Replica Bags GG rubber-effect belt bag bright orange leather Style 771422 AADKE 7544

Inspired by the summer spirit and beach clubs on the Italian coast, this item is part of Gucci Lido. Reflecting the Creative Directors contemporary vision, travel pieces come to life in a fluorescent orange takeover. The vibrant new GG rubber-effect leather defines a range of accessories fit for the modern metropolis. This belt bag comes with a front zip pocket and inside zip pocket for added functionality.

Bright orange GG rubber-effect leather

Polyester lining
Padded mesh back
Inside: 1 zip pocket
Outside: 1 front zip pocket
Zip closure
Weight: 1lbs approximately
9.5″W x 5.1″H x 1.9″D
Made in Vietnam

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 20 cm




Main Material

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