Gucci replica Ophidia super mini shoulder bag pale blue and brown canvas
Style 783124 FADAR 4941
Inspired by the summer spirit and beach clubs on the Italian coast, this item is part of Gucci Lido. Small leather goods from the latest collections highlight a vibrant color palette, shedding a new light on the design. This Ophidia shoulder bag features an inside card slot and hook. The new pale blue and brown GG canvas is complimented by a brown leather trim, showcasing the Double G hardware.
Pale blue and brown GG canvasBrown leather trimGold-toned hardwareCotton linen and moire liningDouble GInside: card slot and hookAdjustable shoulder strap with 15cm dropZip closureW20cm x H15cm x D5cm
Fits up to iPhone Pro, card case, and lipstickWeight: 226grams approximately