Gucci replica Ophidia medium tote bag white leather
Style 739730 DJ20G 9022
The Ophidia line continues to be one of Gucci signature handbags. New silhouettes are introduced each season, providing versatile accessories to complete any look. Two handles transform this tote bag, allowing it to be styled either as a shoulder bag or top handle. The Double G remains integral to the design, presented across an white leather base.
White leatherGold-toned hardwareCotton linen liningDouble GThis item can be used as a shoulder bag or top handle bagLeather handle with 11cm dropLeather shoulder strap with 27cm dropWeight: 1.064kg, approximatelyMedium size: W38.5cm x H28.5cm x D15cmThe model is 173cm tall
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstick