Gucci replica Deco small shoulder bag off white leather
Style 740834 AAB1Q 9022
Fascinated with the past, Gucci continues to expand its horizons by revisiting classic silhouettes and refined materials. With their quilted design, the new bags highlight emblematic symbols from the archive for a retro feel, such as Interlocking G hardware on the flap closure,70s-inspired leather trim, and a chain shoulder strap, like this shoulder bag.
Off white quilted leatherGold-toned hardwareLeather liningInterlocking G detailInterior: 1 zipper pocketSliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with 47.5cm drop or can be worn as a top handle with 26cm dropWeight: .9kg approximatelySmall size: W25cm x H19.5cm x D8cmThe model is 177cm tall