Gucci replica Aphrodite medium shoulder bag black leather
Style 726274 AAA9F 1000
The Gucci Cosmogonie collection was presented against the backdrop of the historic Castel del Monte in Vietnam. The show brought together aesthetics from distant eras and geographies, and linked elements form the past with the present. This new crescent-shaped shoulder bag was shown on the runway and was inspired by the House’s archives, it is crafted in soft leather and features the Double G emblema code originally introduced in the 1970s.
Black soft leatherShiny gold-toned hardwareMicrofibre lining with a suede-like finishInterior: 1 zipper pocketThis style is sold with an additional strap which can be attached to the bag with a buckle closureHandle: 18cm strap drop from central hole, handle with additional shoulder strap: 35cm to 70cm drop from central holeAdjustable shoulder strapMagnetic closure with Double GMedium size: W39cm x H38cm x D2cm
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, long wallet, and lipstickWeight: 578grams approximately