Gucci replica Aphrodite small shoulder bag light grey leather
Style 731817 AAA9F 1712
The small crescent-shaped Aphrodite shoulder bag was inspired by the House’s archives, it is crafted in soft leather and features the Double G emblem, a code originally introduced in the 1970s. Embodying the notion of the versatility, the bag is enriched with two shoulder straps, one is crafted in leather and the other is in Gucci’s recognizable gold-toned chain design.
Light grey soft leatherShiny gold-toned hardwareMicrofibre lining with a suede-like finishDouble GAdjustable shoulder strap with 55cm dropRemovable chain strap with 26cm dropZip closureSmall size: W25cm x H19cm x D7cm
Fits up to: iPhone Pro Max/Plus, Airpods, small wallet, and lipstick